Discerning Leadership: Addressing Three Core Longings
Photo by Sasha Freemind on Unsplash
I was part of a significant messaging project for a large Christian non-profit entity a few years ago (Cru). We desired to determine the cultural realities where our messaging and strategy efforts around faith might land. It was an eighteen-month journey that provided several significant and lasting findings. One of the most essential realities was uncovering three core longings that every person possesses: peace, prosperity, and purpose. As soon as I saw these three longings, it stuck a cord within me. I certainly desired these things--they seemed central to my very being.
Over the next two years, I was part of a small team that presented the findings of this project in some 35 different settings around the U.S. We wanted others within the Christian community to understand these realities and how they might respond to them in their context. Each time we shared the three core longings, people instantly identified with them for themselves and the audience they were trying to serve.
Since then, I have heard many application stories around these three core longings. They can apply to the culture at large, any particular organization, or a deeply personal level. None of the three longings can ultimately be met in any lasting way apart from Jesus Christ. But one way we can live out a genuine belief in Jesus is to lead so that the people we serve experience some resolution to these three longings in a tangible way. That matches one part of the creation mandate in the first chapter of the book of Genesis towards exercising a godly dominion. I had one CEO of a medium-sized technology company tell me that he revamped how his board and executive team led the company in light of these three longings--and that doing so created a whole different culture that mitigated many tensions and breakdowns.
We must redefine each of these longings to gain greater clarity and traction. Our cultural understanding has become too generalized for all three to inspire us in specific and meaningful ways. We will keep it very simple.
Peace is the absence of anxiety. Every person desires peace. They want to be free from the myriad points of stress that fill their lives.
Prosperity, at its core, is about the longing for stability. Prosperity is typically grounded only in financial realities. But proper stability is more holistic than money- it is about stability relationally, vocationally, financially, physically, etc.
Purpose, in its essence, is about meaning. Every person wants to know that their life matters and that they can make a tangible difference. It ultimately answers the question, "Why am I here?"
How does any of this apply to daily leadership? Leadership research reveals that those we lead desire a more present, empathetic, and in-touch leadership style. It's not that direction setting, vision casting, or strategy formulation no longer matter--but gone are the days of command and control leadership. Transformational leadership and servant leadership practices consider the well-being of the one being led. Assessing and addressing these three core longings within the scope of your leadership influence can complement the other necessary aspects of accomplishing an organizational mission.
Below, I will address each core longing and list some questions to help you understand how you might approach these needs. It isn't difficult to make a difference in these areas.
The starting point is critical. It would be best if you began to lead daily with a sense of curiosity and noticing. These are two essential ingredients to good discernment. Please look for and notice where these three core longings are not being met--all around you. You can do this as you drive to and from work and traverse your city. You can look for these desires as they are expressed in various ways through normal conversation--with friends, colleagues, or direct reports. You can look for it at home. You can even consider where this shows up in your life and leadership. Look for points and expressions of anxiety. Look for instability. Look for places, situations, and people with a loss of meaning. It's not hard--the absence of these three core longings shows up all around us because we live and lead in a broken, sin-wrecked world. But are you looking? Are you really noticing?
Addressing Anxiety and the Deep Desire for Peace:
Like a silent storm, anxiety can disrupt the harmony within individuals and teams. A leader's first task is to create a culture of openness and understanding--aided by transparent communication. Foster a sense of belonging and support, reassuring your team they are not alone. Here are a few questions you might ask those you lead:
Are any issues with our organization or within our team functioning causing undue stress in your work life?
Are there any issues you would like me to be aware of outside of work that may be causing you stress and less energy at work?
What do you think are some ways we could reduce work-life anxiety within our organization or improve the functionality of our team?
Navigating Instability and the Longing for Prosperity:
In times of instability, a steady hand at the helm is crucial. As a leader, be transparent about the changes, emphasizing the adaptability required from each team member. Offer guidance and clear expectations, helping your team navigate the shifting landscape. Encourage flexibility and innovation, turning challenges into opportunities for creative problem-solving. Demonstrating a calm and composed demeanor instills confidence and stability, becoming the anchor your team can rely on. Here are some questions you might ask those you lead:
As you look out to the near future of our organization or team, do you see any destabilizing elements that we should be aware of?
As you assess the current state of our culture, do you see anything that might destabilize our organization or team?
Is there anything outside of work you would like to be aware of that might be causing moments of instability and affecting your work?
Restoring Meaning Which Will Lead to Real Purpose:
A loss of meaning can cast a shadow over even the most driven individuals. Leaders must reconnect their teams with a sense of purpose. Reinforce the importance of their contributions, highlighting the collective impact they make. Engage in meaningful conversations to understand each team member's aspirations, aligning their work with personal and professional fulfillment. By fostering a sense of purpose, leaders transform the workplace into a space where individuals find meaning beyond the daily grind. Here are some questions you might ask yourself:
As a leader, are you regularly making real connections with the people who report to you about how their contribution is vitally connected to the vision and mission?
Are you showing gratitude for people who work hard and faithfully toward fulfilling the vision and mission?
Are you regularly asking people who report to you about their future aspirations and how you could create a development path for them to realize some of those dreams?
These three longings can compound one another. Anxiety can lead to greater instability, which can lead to a loss of meaning. Our research also highlighted that these three longings provide a safe conversation pathway. The research respondents showed that anxiety is the easiest and safest topic to talk about, with purpose in life being the most challenging and intimate topic. Therefore, leading off with questions or discussion about the lack of peace or anxiety is a great place to begin.
In times of anxiety, instability, and a loss of meaning, leadership becomes a beacon—strong guidance that illuminates the path forward. Embrace the challenges as opportunities for growth, and let your leadership style be a source of inspiration and stability. With intentionality, these seasons can become transforming, turning adversity into a narrative of resilience, adaptability, and renewed purpose. It's a journey that requires self-awareness and intentional choices. For followers of Christ, it can become a leadership opportunity to glorify God through our leadership.
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