Vocāre Leadership

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The First Step in Growing Leadership Self-Awareness: Self-Assessment

Photo by David Iskander on Unsplash

The ultimate purpose of embarking on a journey of self-awareness is to transcend self that you might serve others well. That is the central focus of servant leadership. But understanding self, both internally and externally, will greatly enhance your ability for positive impact and influence. The self-awareness journey is not for the faint of heart. You can't be content with confirmation bias. You must center on discovering some cold, hard truth about yourself. This requires an initial season of examination and an ongoing commitment to personal growth.

The Apostle Paul frequently talked about personal evaluation and examination in his biblical writings. Paul was clearly a leader who was used by God in powerful ways. He was considered an apostle, the first great missionary of the Church, and penned over half of the New Testament. Here are just a few of the references he makes to this evaluative thinking.

  • But I do not account my life of any value or as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I have received from the Lord Jesus (Acts 20:24)

  • Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves (Philippians 2:3)

  • But whatever I had (Paul's personal heritage and spiritual resume), I counted as loss for the sake of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord (Philippians 3:7)

  • Paul also warns against confirmation bias--Not that we dare to classify or compare ourselves with some of those who are commending themselves. But when they measure themselves by one another, they are without understanding. (2 Corinthians 10:12)

The highlighted words are words of examination and assessment. Paul is looking inward and outward to paint a picture of true priorities from a reasonable assessment that ultimately serves others.

Self-assessment serves as the anchor point from which leaders can chart their course towards enhanced self-awareness and, ultimately, more effective leadership. It entails a deliberate and introspective examination of one's beliefs, values, behaviors, and impact on others. Here's why it's the cornerstone of leadership growth:

  1. Understanding Strengths and Weaknesses: Self-assessment unveils the tapestry of strengths and weaknesses that shape an individual's leadership style. By identifying areas of proficiency, leaders can leverage these strengths to inspire and motivate others. Similarly, recognizing weaknesses offers opportunities for growth and development--as well as partnership and collaboration.

  2. Clarifying Values and Beliefs: Effective leadership is anchored in a strong sense of purpose and alignment with core values. Through self-assessment, leaders gain clarity on what they stand for and what principles guide their decisions and actions. This self-awareness fosters authenticity and integrity, which are essential ingredients for building trust and credibility among teams.

  3. Recognizing Blind Spots: Every leader has blind spots. The higher one goes in leadership the more difficult it can become to see these blindspots. Self-assessment shines a light on these blind spots, revealing aspects of behavior or communication that may inadvertently undermine leadership effectiveness. By acknowledging and addressing these blind spots, leaders can mitigate potential pitfalls and navigate challenges more adeptly.

  4. Promoting Personal Growth: Self-assessment serves as fertile soil for personal growth and development. It cultivates a mindset of continuous improvement, prompting leaders to seek out learning opportunities, solicit feedback, and embrace challenges as catalysts for growth. This commitment to self-improvement fuels not only individual success but also the collective advancement of teams and organizations.

  5. Enhancing Emotional Intelligence: Leadership is as much about leading oneself as it is about leading others. Self-assessment facilitates the development of emotional intelligence—a key competency for effective leadership. By heightening awareness of emotions, understanding their impact on behavior, and cultivating empathy, leaders can forge deeper connections, foster collaboration, and navigate interpersonal dynamics with finesse.

In essence, self-assessment serves as the cornerstone of leadership self-awareness—a foundational pillar upon which growth, authenticity, and effectiveness are built. By embracing this first step with courage and conviction, leaders set themselves on a path of discovery, empowerment, and transformation. As they navigate the complexities of leadership, they do so with a compass firmly in hand—guiding them towards a destination of a more powerful expression of servant leadership. But you have to know where you are to reach your desired destination.

Download my free guide, The Leadership Self-Awareness Index, to take your first step toward self-assessment.